
Neil Peart and God, Was He One?

Neil Peart: Was He a God & Did He Believe in One? No. Neil Peart did not believe in God or organized religion and was accused of being a "faith basher." This is an odd topic, yet I see many people on the web searching for Neil Peart and God. Some common questions include: does Neil peart believe in god? was Neil Peart blessed by the Gods? is Neil Peart a God? While the last one might be tongue-in-cheek, the first two are more serious in nature.  Neil did not shy away from expressing his thoughts on religion and God in general. As he got older, and wrote more books, his leanings became more clear.  Faith Basher or Freedom Fighter? It was easy for many people to see this as him bashing religion. He experienced enough pain in life to lose whatever "faith" existed.  This is likely the same reason Geddy Lee's (Weinrib's) parents were not explicitly religious after surviving the war. Many Jewish people who survived found it difficult to believe any such God wo...

Neil Peart's Lake House in Lac Saint-Victor Morin-Heights Quebec

Neil Peart, renowned for his many skills and adventure travel books, often described his lakeside retreat, a haven for both summer and winter getaways.  Although the property has been sold following his passing, its history remains a fascinating topic for fans and admirers. Here, I offer a look at where it was once located, as well as a few other easter-eggs! (Please be patient as the animated map animation below loads.) Google Map locations The map below shows a few key locations in Morin-Heights, Quebec. This includes Le Studio, Neil's Lakeside home, Science Island and the tower noted in Neil's " The Quest for Phantom Tower " chapter. Neil Peart's Former Lake Home in Quebec, Morin-Heights In Science Island  we discover that the property he purchased (built) included a small island. He generally refers to the lake as "Lac St-Brutus" - after his close friend, but it is actually located on Lac Saint-Victor .  In fact - the image used by Google for Lac ...